consulting services
I hold a master's degree from Roskilde University, specializing in English and Communication Studies. I have been programming professionally since 1995.
I am comfortable with the roles as a technical project lead and project manager, and I develop .Net solutions for the web, using the ASP.Net MVC framework and CMS platforms such as Sitecore, Orchard and Umbraco. Preferred tools are Visual Studio, Windows Server, IIS and the ASP.Net Core MVC and .Net frameworks as the basis of web applications and custom tools for server management. Preferred languages are C# and Javascript (mostly React JS and some jQuery these days).
Focus areas:
I am experienced in integrating web front end systems with information streams provided by corporate back end systems such as Lotus Notes. In the role as web developer on the .Net platform, I am oriented towards team-based approaches such as SCRUM and Agile development methods. In project management roles, I am also oriented towards agile approaches, emphasizing web based tools such as AgileZen for group collaboration.
I am focused on the needs of the customer and the end user, and solutions to problems are always centered on catering to these needs in the best possible way. I have organized and delivered educational activities and workshop-based learning through a number of years in both private enterprises and public institutions. A specialty is concise and understandable presentations of dense technical material in order to clear up misunderstandings in contractual relationships.
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