Panmedia SongVoting - Orchard Module

Tags: Orchard CMS, Custom Module, Song Voting

Panmedia.SongVoting – a Song Voting module for Orchard V1.10

This module was developed as part of the artist community site – a web site dedicated to the largest songwriter’s association in Northern Europe, Aarhus Sangskriverværksted.

The source code for this module is available on GitHub.
A short descriptive PDF of the module functionality can be downloaded from here.

The groundwork for establishing this module was the excellent work already done in the AdvancedPoll Module published to the Orchard Galley five years ago by the SZTE Orchard Team. (Link:

I fixed a bunch of versioning update issues, extended the standard voting mechanisms already in place in order to accommodate the specific needs of the annual songwriting competition held by AASV, and I added some extra logic and UI to handle upload and display of songs from youtube and soundcloud in a separate modal window, so the end user can hear and see what he / she is voting for.